Articles on: Event Organizers

How to Edit Vendor Applications

This feature is helpful when a vendor makes a mistake in their application or wants to add additional information or files. As an event organizer, you can edit the application on their behalf.

Here's how to edit vendor applications:

There are several ways to find the vendor application you want to edit. You can search by vendor name, application status, or other criteria - For more information: How to Search for Vendors in BoothCentral?

Once you've opened the vendor's application, you'll see sections for Contact Information and Application Questions. Each section has an orange Edit button next to it.

Click the Edit button for the section you want to modify.
Contact Information: Edit details like name, email address, website, address, and phone number.

Application Questions: Make changes to answers provided by the vendor during the application process.

Save or Cancel:
After making edits, review your changes.
Click Save (also orange button) to confirm the edits.
If you decide not to save, click Cancel next to the Save button.

The changes will be applied to the vendor's application.

Ensure you have the correct information before saving.

Updated on: 26/04/2024

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