How to Cancel a Booth Host's Registration
How to Cancel a Booth Host's Registration
You can only cancel an Approved exhibitor. Pending and Waitlisted applications will need to be denied.
Log into your Event Organizer account and click on the applicable event from My Dashboard/MyEvents.
Click on Applications then View on the left navigation bar.

Here you will see a tabs for Pending, Approved, Started, Denied and Cancelled applications. Navigate to the Approved tab. Then locate the appropriate Booth Host and click the Review button.

Note: To sort this list alphabetically by business name, click into the arrow icons in the column heading.
This will open the Booth Host/Vendor application. Click the red Cancel button.

A cancellation window will pop up. Here you can determine a refund amount, if applicable, and send a message to the Booth Host. Click the Cancel Registration button to complete the cancellation.

The Booth Host/Vendor will be notified of the status change via email and funds will be returned.
Take into consideration the following points respecting canceling a vendor's registration:
If the vendor pays by CC, best not to refund offline
Credit card fees won’t be charged if the CC payment is fully refunded
Proceed with caution; cancellations can not be reversed.
Updated on: 01/06/2023
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