Articles on: Event Organizers

How to Search for Vendors in BoothCentral?

Finding existing vendors in your BoothCentral database can save you time and streamline your event management process. Here are three ways to locate vendors you might already have interacted with:

1. Search by Event:

Go to your "My Dashboard" or "My Events" page.
Select the desired event.
Use the search bar near the top banner of the Event Dashboard page to find a specific vendor's name.
Once you find the vendor's name, select it to open their application.

2. Search by Application Section:

Navigate to "My Dashboard" or "My Events."
Select the event you want to process.
Go to the "Applications" section and click on "View Page."
You can also filter applications by using tabs like "Pending Approval," "Waitlisted", "Approved", "Started", "Denied", or "Canceled" (depending on your needs).
Utilize the search bar within the view page for each tab to find specific vendors.

3. Search by Vendor Information:

Access the search bar at the top of your event page.
Enter the vendor's name or any relevant details you might have (email/business name).
Look through their "Applied Events" section to find the specific application you're looking for.
Click "View Application" to open the vendor's details.

By using these search methods, you can quickly locate existing vendors in your BoothCentral database and leverage their past applications or information for your upcoming events. For further assistance with managing vendors in BoothCentral.

Updated on: 24/04/2024

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